Buy Property for free by Steve McCall
There has never been a better time in over 10 years to buy property than right now, as property prices continue to drop month on month and interest rates remain at an all time low, property buyers have never had it so good. Many investors who I come in to contact with tell me that they just can’t stop buying property at the moment, & with easy access to cheap finance doing the deals is a simple process, as they say it is now a buyers markets & that statement could not be truer than right now. Now I ask you, who do you believe is really benefiting from this recession
right now, who is really buying property and making the most of the economic
down turn, and my answer would be - any one who could.
Having access to creative finance is what will ultimately dictate how much property you can buy, not the size of your bank balance. We have all heard the saying save for a raining day, and for many of us throwing in a big deposit to buy property would be seen as acceptable as this would undeniably be viewed as an investment for the future. We would all agree that it should be easy for a multi millionaire to buy multiple properties valued around £250,000.00 buy throwing in tens of thousands of pounds in deposits & fees on each property, however what if the investor was not an multi millionaire what if they had no savings & was only on minimum wage? How many properties do you think they would be able to buy? Maybe one if they were lucky. Having access to creative financing is the only way you can guarantee to buy property without putting in thousands of pounds in deposits & fees whilst also gaining from tens of thousands in instant equity. Creative finance will ultimately allow you to buy property as if you were a multi millionaire, without putting in deposits & fees. My name is Steve McCall & I am a professional property entrepreneur and one of the leading experts on creatively financing property deals. Creative Finance ultimately allows you to buy limitless properties earning you thousands in instant cash and tens of thousands in instant equity without having to spend a single penny out of your own pocket. If you would like to know more and benefit from paying no deposit, stamp duty, legal fees & agent fees download this report for free at: http://www.buypropertyfree.com Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_987314_33.html About the Author: My name is Steve McCall & I am a professional property investor, since the sale of my property over four years ago I have since helped over 500 homeowners get the best possible price for their property within the quickest possible time at no cost to them. I currently help over 100 homeowners per month find solutions to their property problems. I am also apart of one of largest property networks in the UK which run all the major network seminars, throughout London & the midlands which I have attend as a guest speaker with my business partner Mr Swinton. http://www.sellpropertyinstantly.com |
Disclaimer: Trading online always carries risks. Some trading may even lose you more than the amount you invested. Being informed reduces the risk so read everything you can on trading, stocks, shares, forex (fx), options, short sells, property investment and more before attempting your first investment. TradingNewbies.com is owned by Electronic Desktop Solutions Pty Ltd |
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