How to Get a Good Real Estate
Deal and Not Lose Your Shirt by Mark Zagorski
Have you wondered why successful people are successful? From my observation they have applied the following principals: 1. Surround yourself with people smarter than you are. 2. Carefully listen to what they tell you. 3. Delegate tasks, which are beyond your scope to others. It is imperative that you realize you are incapable of doing everything. This approach applies to successful business decisions as well as to purchasing real estate. Having access to the Internet does not make you the smartest person in the room and that you are knowledgeable about all the intricacies of real estate. Ignoring suggestions or advice from experienced real estate agents may cause you to miss an opportunity. Evaluate and analyze before deciding to discard. It is wise to hire a professional real estate agent who is knowledgeable in this area. This person is the key to successful search and negotiations. This is what they do for a living. The Internet is a great tool to locate them. In all probability you are not smarter than a real estate broker. They know their local market and nothing can replace this knowledge. You are not buying potatoes. You are buying real estate. Real estate is not a commodity and there is no magic mathematical formula to compare two or more distinct properties. Listen to your real estate agent and hear what is being said. Location, location, location; you must have heard it so often that it hurts. Well it is simply the most important aspect of any property. Your real estate agent is irreplaceable in assessing the value of the location. No search engine, average, guide or any other cool looking graph can replace your real estate agent. Unless you have robbed a bank or inherited a fortune, you will need a banker. There are many bankers out there. They are all good as long as they lend you money on good terms and let you keep your shirt. Remember that each of us has a different financial situation, and there is no such thing as every loan fits everyone. Your finances and credit history are unique. Therefore, you require personal attention from an experienced lender. They will provide you with the best options and guide you through the intricate process of financing your home. If you think you can handle everything, you probably will get burned. Hire an attorney. The best attorneys are those who can provide all the facts and permit you to decide how to proceed. Eliminate those who are too busy or are located too far from the property you are considering purchasing. Make sure you are hiring a real estate attorney, not a litigator. Your best bet would be to listen to your real estate agent and take his or her suggested referrals. Keep in mind that the attorney and the real estate agent should always work together. At the end of the day, their main goal is to get you the best deal possible and protect your interests. If these two individuals do not communicate with each other, you risk a great possibility of losing the property and often of losing your shirt. About the author: Mark Zagorski is the founder of zaglist a real estate agents website that lists the real estate property listings in New Jersey, New York City and Long Island. Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_970833_33.html |
Disclaimer: Trading online always carries risks. Some trading may even lose you more than the amount you invested. Being informed reduces the risk so read everything you can on trading, stocks, shares, forex (fx), options, short sells, property investment and more before attempting your first investment. TradingNewbies.com is owned by Electronic Desktop Solutions Pty Ltd |
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